How you can support Northampton Neighbors
When you sashay up Main Street with us in the DoozyDo Parade, you’ll be spreading the word about Northampton Neighbors and the free services, programs, and events we provide to older adults in our community. Thank you!
We’d also like to invite you to join our fundraising effort. The money you raise will empower Northampton Neighbors to continue offering both supportive services and social engagement that enrich the lives of our members and to expand our reach and the resources we provide.
How it Works
We’ve set the minimum contribution fee low for parade participants ($10 per person) in order to be as inclusive as possible. If that works for you, you’re in! However, because the parade is, among other things, a fundraiser for Northampton Neighbors, we hope you’ll contribute more than that. We’ll have incentives for individuals who contribute at a higher level.
Just Sign up and make your contribution by check or credit card.
And if you want to help raise more funds for Northampton Neighbors, Take The DoozyDo Challenge by asking friends and family to support your participation in the parade. This type of “peer-to-peer” fundraising, as you might do for a walkathon or road race for a good cause, will raise substantially more funds for Northampton Neighbors. Here’s how it works:
First, you set a goal. As an example, let’s say your goal is $150.00.
Drawing on your family and friends, your bowling league, your co-workers–maybe even that friendly couple who live up the street–you reach out and ask for their support.
What if you ask each of the three people to contribute $25.00? You’re already halfway to your goal.
Now, what if you choose three more from your list and ask them each for $15.00?
A final 3 people, contributing just $10.00 each, brings you to your goal.
Ask them to send their checks to you made out to Northampton Neighbors (with “DoozyDo Parade” and your name in the memo line).
You have succeeded! Your $10 contribution to Northampton Neighbors just turned into $150. Northampton Neighbors is immediately better equipped to enrich the lives of our community seniors because of you and your network.
Your Helpers
Any support you might need is available to you. Here are your helpers:
The Parade Committee
Your main resource will be members of the parade organizing committee specifically tasked to answer any and all questions about PtP fundraising. We are happy to give you our contact information (see the Contact Us page) and you can reach us any time.
You and your teammates can encourage and congratulate each other. You can troubleshoot together and move toward your goals. Shared experiences like this can be a hoot and make for great memories.
The next step will be to celebrate your team’s success. Awesome! You will have really accomplished something and you deserve to feel proud.
However far your team goes, we thank you wholeheartedly. Your participation truly makes a difference and Northampton Neighbors will put every bit of it to really good use.